室内空气质量测试-渥太华| Enviropure-优德游戏app


Indoor air quality testing consists of a series of professional tests to monitor and manage the air pollutants present in your space. 适当的空气质素测试可确保 你呼吸的空气是健康的 和清洁.



Our team of professional air testing technicians are fully certified in Environmental Management & 评估. ‘I室内空气质量’ or ‘IAQ’ refers to the environmental characteristics inside a building that may have an effect on your overall health, 舒适或工作表现. They are also certified and experienced to conduct proper and thorough IAQ assessments in Ottawa.

IAQ parameters that can be evaluated include VOCs, Airborne Particulate Matter (PM2.5 & PM10)、甲醛废气、 过敏原,二氧化碳,一氧化碳,以及热舒适水平. 如果你对室内空气质量有任何担忧, call Enviropure or send us a message using our contact form and we will get in touch with you right away!



需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? 或者你只是需要彻底打扫一下房子. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!



Canadians spend most of their time indoors, whether it be at home, work, school or shopping. 室内空气污染物的来源多种多样, 包括建筑材料, 家具, 清洁产品, 室外的空气污染渗入室内.

Enviropure carefully inspects the air quality, checking for pollutants such as

  • 模具
  • 花粉
  • 尘螨
  • 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)
  • 一氧化碳
  • 石棉
  • 引领

不要满足于低劣的室内质量. 你和你的家人呼吸的空气是最重要的. Contact Enviropure today to get a free quote for indoor air testing in Ottawa.



Pollutants from poor indoor air quality can have a significant impact on our health. If you noticed some of the following health effects it is possible that it could be a result of the air quality in your home.

Some of the health effects that can result from exposure to indoor air pollutants include

  • 呼吸系统疾病
  • 过敏
  • 头痛
  • 皮肤过敏

室内空气质量差也会对健康造成长期影响. Prolonged exposure to indoor air pollutants can lead to more serious health problems, 比如心脏病, 呼吸道疾病, 甚至是癌症.

不要因为室内空气质量而将自己的健康置于危险之中. Protect your health and get peace of mind with indoor air quality testing.  Contact Enviropure today to get a free quote for indoor air testing in Ottawa.


经常 问问题

以下是我们对一些常见问题的回答. 如果您有任何其他问题,请随时联系Enviropure.

我们经常被问到这个问题. 让我们先看看新家吧. 在一个完美的世界, 你会放下辛苦赚来的钱,搬进一间一尘不染的, 崭新的新家, 没有空气质量或其他清洁问题的人, 健康和卫生. 不幸的是, 现在渥太华正在建造新房, the builders and subcontractors can get a little sloppy (your mileage will vary). What kinds of things do they end up depositing into your home and leave behind, 没有自己打扫卫生? 这可以从烟草烟雾开始 & 烟头到建筑材料, 咖啡杯和各种你没料到的杂物! That’s why a move-in cleanup AND air quality testing are highly recommended – even for new homes. 至于打扫你的家, even the most rigorous of cleaning standards can’t catch many of the particulates and hazardous materials that air quality testing searches for.

我们采用高标准的室内空气质量测试, 更常见的有害物质包括霉菌, 灰尘, 石棉, 过敏原, 一氧化碳, 氡, VOC(挥发性有机化合物)等. 我们应该找到一个或多个这样的礼物吗, we’ll delve deeper to identify the source(s) and provide a plan of action to eliminate the source(s).

We’ve tested many of those air quality testing kits that are available on the consumer market, and unfortunately we’ve yet to find one to which we’d entrust the well-being of our loved ones. The quality of these “air quality testing” kits varies from poor to mediocre, 这让我们想起一句老话, “一分钱一分货。.”而不是, you’re much better hiring the services of a professional air quality testing provider, 受过深度训练的人, experience and comprehensive knowledge when it comes to indoor air quality and air quality testing. We’ve invested (and continue to make ongoing capital expenditures) in high quality, 专业级空气质量检测设备. That’s how we ensure that the air quality testing we perform is reliable and accurate, 这样你和你的家人才能呼吸到最好的空气.

The amount of time it takes to test your indoor air quality can vary depending on the type of test that you’re doing, 你家的大小, 以及正在使用的设备. 专业的空气质量测试通常只需要几个小时.  如果你选择DIY空气质量工具包, you can expect to wait for days or even weeks to get the results from a lab.

There is a wide variety of things that can impact the quality of the air inside your home. Some common pollutants include: 灰尘, mould, smoke residue, pet dander, 和清洁ing chemicals. 通常, poor indoor air quality is the result of a problem with your home’s ventilation system.

很好的问题! We pride ourselves in being constantly vigilant and always on the lookout for the best air quality testing equipment. We religiously test and re-test the gear before we deploy it in our Ottawa air quality testing services for home and office. At Enviropure, we make sure we are using state-of-the-art technology for indoor air quality testing. We look for air quality testing products that earn consistently superior ratings and reviews. Our goal is to continue to offer the latest in air quality testing gear so that you’re getting comprehensive results and can breathe better air.

100%! 不幸的是, 随着我们社会的“进步”, 伴随这些进步而来的是一些相当令人讨厌的副产品. We’re all familiar with outdoor air pollution, and the effects people suffer when breathing poor air. 室内空气质量也以同样的方式发生了变化. 房屋, 办公室和其他建筑物中含有各种化学物质, 材料和潜在的室内空气污染物. 例如,较旧的住宅和办公室可能含有石棉. 有些家庭有氡. 霉菌、灰尘和其他有害物质存在于许多建筑物中. The only way to know whether you are breathing clean air – and to find out how to make it cleaner – is to perform indoor air quality testing.
